Metrus Energy Recognized by Department of Energy and the Better Buildings Challenge

May 11, 2018

Press Release

The Department of Energy (DOE) has named Metrus Energy as one of 16 Better Buildings Challenge (BBC) partners that achieved their energy, water, or financing goals in 2017.Metrus is one of the original financing partners of the BBC, which has grown to more than 900 businesses nationwide. The BBC is the commitment by leading businesses, manufacturers, cities, states, universities and school districts to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings by at least 20% over 10 years and share their strategies and results. Metrus’ exceeded its BBC commitment to finance $75 million of efficiency upgrades across the country.

“We’re proud to be recognized by the Better Buildings Challenge Program and the U.S. Department of Energy,” said Bob Hinkle, CEO, Metrus Energy. “We take seriously our role of delivering energy efficiency as a service, and of scaling the market for efficiency investments. Having started on the ground floor with this great initiative, it’s been exciting to see how much the energy efficiency financing industry has grown in such a short period of time.”

There are more than 900 public and private sector organizations driving energy efficiency in the U.S. economy through their participation in the Better Buildings Initiative. This includes 380 trillion Btus, or $3.1 billion in reported cumulative energy and cost savings from the set of market leaders that are participating. Since the start of the BBC program, more than 65 partners and financial allies have met their original energy efficiency, water efficiency and financing goals, all of them ahead of schedule.Among the 16 companies recognized are longtime Metrus partners and collaborators Bank of America, Citi and NYC Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC).

Click here to view The 2018 Better Buildings Progress Report.

See how Metrus makes a world of difference.